Purpose Driven – They’ve found a purpose for Jesus

Yes folks! At last they’ve rescued Jesus out of the sea of irrelevancy and found a purpose and use for the Son of God. And what is that? That he can show you what your true destiny and purpose in life is!

Lo, and behold, Jesus turned out to be useful! He’s no longer irrelevant! (Which is the big fear of worldly-commercial-driven christendom : How exactly Jesus of Nazareth is relevant to the materialistic christian culture they have created) They have now found a “use” for Jesus. And what is that? That he can help you find your purpose in life. That is the purpose for Jesus, the reason he exists, so that he can help you find your purpose.

Don’t worry! It won’t take long. There is only one small formality to complete first. Accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. It only takes a few minutes of your time, so relax, it’s quick and easy, so don’t worry. Say these words after me…. Now, that didn’t hurt did it? Congratulations! Now that formality is over you can begin to find your purpose in life, which is the really important thing. Now that Jesus has served his purpose we won’t be referring much anymore to him. Now, it’s all about YOU. YOU are the most important person in the world. YOUR DESTINY is all that matters now.

Recently when visiting a friend i happened to pick up and read the first chapter of The Purpose Driven Life. First impression was that its a false gospel from the start, but he is tricky in the way he defines things, so while i’m sure some people have a check about it, it may be hard for them to put their finger on the exact reason for their uneasiness.

The false assumption to begin with is that lost sinners need to find their God-given purpose. That that is the need of man. Then, Jesus is very casually introduced as the means for the lost to find their purpose. VERY casually introduced.

I was disgusted. Jesus is reduced to only a “helper” or “assistant” for man.

Man’s rebellion is never addressed, only man’s perceived needs.

Warren overlooks the fact that even some of the most wicked people in history really believed they had found God’s purpose and destiny for their life, and yes, their “jesus” helped them achieve their purpose.

A person can’t begin to know what God’s purpose is for them UNTIL they have submitted themselves to Christ and grown to know Him : a process over years.

Even as a babe in Christ, usually what we think is God’s purpose for our life is still a projection of our own vanity.

8 Responses to “Purpose Driven – They’ve found a purpose for Jesus”

  1. ian vincent Says:

    The power of satan to deceive is not to be underestimated.

    When he comes “as an angel of light” you can be sure that he may come with the right theology, even. That doesn’t bother him, only that SELF should not be dethroned.

    It was utter genius of satan to come up with the modern American gospel of self-enthronment. But it’s not new, it’s the same “gospel” satan offered Eve in the garden.

    The error with PDL is that self is pandered to and christianized, and not dethroned and crucified.

    Which could be a mirror of Warren’s own life.

  2. Cheryl Says:

    Dear Ian,
    For the past several months I have been on a self imposed “why me?” fest. I’ve been so stupid. Please pray for me. I would appreciate everyones prayers at this time.

  3. ian vincent Says:

    Praying, and our family will pray for you tonight.

  4. ruthsongs Says:

    In the PDL gospel a Christian’s main goal is to discover and develop his/her “gifts.”

    How far would that get a believer who is being tortured and imprisoned for confessing their faith in the Lord Jesus?

  5. ian vincent Says:


    And such watered-down and Cross-less gospels don’t attract any persecution anyway. The offense of the Cross has ceased.

  6. ian vincent Says:


    You and your family are in our prayers, sister.

  7. ruthsongs Says:

    @ Cheryl- with that kind of honesty, I feel confident He will meet you where you are.

  8. ian vincent Says:


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