Why don’t we see a NT Church today?

(From the archives)

The New Testament Church in essence was relational. All the larger aspects of the NT Church stemmed from the basic relationships within. So rather than asking, why don’t we see a Book of Acts Church today? We should each ask ourselves, why don’t I love my brothers and sisters like they did back then?

If the true love of Christ was there we would be in relationship and fellowship with other saints in our homes often, and we would recognize that this commitment to one another in love constitutes the foundation of the Church.

This has to be the approach to “Church planting”: that we first deal with the core heart issues which prevent us from opening our lives, and subsequently our homes, to the saints.

It’s about relationship and people don’t want that because they’ve lost their first love. And then the traditional system steps in and offers them Church without any real relationship or fellowship.

4 Responses to “Why don’t we see a NT Church today?”

  1. milind Says:

    Thats true….I read in Watchman Nee’ book (not sure) that the church has to be restored in the NT pattern to be really a blessing, free from all the worldliness and man made rules which have crept into the church.
    Another thing (apart from love) which makes it difficult is that people join the church to reap benefits, for example some looking for loans from beleivers, which they dont want to repay (catching hold of Jesus” teaching). This creates a situation in the church that they dont trust anyone.
    True salvation is important for real NT pattern relationship in the church.

  2. missdebra Says:

    No one can join the true church. It is a state of being. As Ian says, it is based on relationship. It does not take a hypocrite very long to realize when he or she has met up with a true believer in Jesus Christ. Away they will go, and we know they go out from among us because they are not of us. No need to worry, worldly gossips, hypocrites and the insincere cannot bear the Spirit of God for very long.

    It is sad to see how far Babylonian reasoning has crept into the church. Believers shouldn’t be loaning in the first place. We should be giving to one another. What is this repaying business? We are to be giving altruistically without asking in return. Loaning to our brothers and sisters in Christ is like loaning to our parents or kids. Do we really believe we should be standing around waiting for the return? There is something wrong with this picture.

    When we “loan” instead of give, we put the person who is already in a difficult situation under obligation. If the person cannot repay, the “loaner” becomes self righteous and judgmental against them. What happened to “Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors? ”

    The best way to give is by the leading of the Holy Ghost. Then we are giving out of servant-hood and love for God, not with an attitude of it coming from our own substance. God will show us who to give to, when and what. Surrender to Him when giving is a must. As the old saying goes, “You can’t take it with you” anyway so why not let Him direct?

    Just because we leave the “organized church” does not mean that Babylon has left us! This is just the beginning, where the work begins. I believe there are so many shell shock people out here who have been called out of the apostasy, but are now being worked on by God. I am one of them. The internal work He is doing requires much alone time and contemplation. I have become acutely aware of the lack of true believers to fellowship with when I used to turn over every rock to try and find one. Now I know even this, the bringing together of real Christians has to be a work of God because it takes a miracle to find them!

    Thank you for this blog Ian. It is a wonderful way for the Ecclesia to connect. God bless you, your family and all sincere participants on this site!

  3. ian vincent Says:

    Milind, thanks for your comments. Church is simply Christians coming together. Then how they treat each other and relate to one another simply reflects the state of their personal relationship to Jesus. The NT pattern is the obvious and only way for those who are genuine in their walk with the Lord.

    Yeah, the horse goes before the cart: cause and then effect. The NT pattern does not make living Christians out of dead ones.

    Debra, Glad to hear of the faithfulness of Jesus in your life.

    Where do you live?

  4. Mark Bryan Finger Says:

    Yes, yes, yes!

    When we have the same love, we will see the same faith as in Acts.

    Spot on, Ian.

    This is why persecution is so necessary: it causes the people of God to return to their first love [if they have strayed].

    P.S. I always appreciate missdebra’s comments: they are an encouragement to the faithful.

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